ITI Projects - Salute-Zdravsto - Physiological Pregnancy

Courses available from December 2019 for women residing in Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba. For information:
- Consultorio di Gorizia 0481 592869
- gynecological clinic mag. Lare Beseničar Pregelj, dr. med, 1st floor Zdravstveni dom Nova Gorica;
- gynecological clinic Tine Polenčič, dr. med., Zdravstveni dom, section of Šempeter;
- e-mail:
The bilingual course is held in a quiet environment with heated water and background music and is addressed to women from Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba. The exercises carried out in the pool have the function of relaxation, but also of learning respiratory control, cardio-circulatory training and muscle toning and / or cooling down. The midwife has a guiding and supporting role: answers questions, listens, gives information and stimulates trust in pregnant women, making them aware of the resources they have to cope with pregnancy, labor and childbirth.
The course starts after the 21st week of pregnancy and involves groups of up to 10 women.
Courses start in January 2020.
WHEN: Every Tuesday at 17.00.
WHERE: Swimming pool of the San Giovanni di Dio hospital, via Fatebenefratelli 34, Gorizia.
The water recalls the maternal uterus in the newborn baby, whose memory is very active in the first months of life. The water calms the child and puts him in great intimacy with the parent.
The bilingual courses provide guided exercises for infants and their parents. The exercises stimulate the child's psychophysical development in a natural and comfortable environment.
Courses start in February 2020.
WHEN: The course is aimed at children from 2 to 12 months. It runs weekly and takes place in the afternoon, at the times that will be defined at the end of January 2020.
WHERE: Swimming pool of the San Giovanni di Dio hospital, via Fatebenefratelli 34, Gorizia.
Meetings with pregnant women led by midwives with the participation of other professionals (physiotherapist, nutritionist and psychologist). During the meetings the partecipants deal with issues that correspond to the gestation period in which they find themselves, focusing on pregnancy, childbirth, after childbirth, first from the perspective of the expectant mother, the fetus and the future father and then from that of the mother, baby, father and family. The contents of the meetings include the physical, psychological and social aspects of the individual's health.
WHEN: The meetings will take place in the afternoon, at the times that will be defined in December 2019.
WHERE: in Italian at the Family Counseling Center, via V. Veneto 171, Gorizia
In Slovenian language at Splošna bolnišnica "Dr. Franca Derganca" Nova Gorica, Padlih borcev 13, Šempeter pri Gorici
Physical activity during pregnancy represents a healthy practice for the future mother. Exercise allows you to maintain and strengthen muscle tone, including the pelvic floor, which will prove very useful during and after childbirth.
WHEN: The bilingual activity will take place in the afternoon, at the times that will be defined at the end of January 2020.
WHERE: At Zdravstveni dom Nova Gorica, Rejčeva 4, Nova Gorica