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Transalpina - Trg Evrope square redevelopment

Lavori Transalpina Trg Evrope



On Monday 12 February 2024 the construction site for the investment "The redevelopment of the Transalpina/Trg Evrope Square and the Trident - in the Municipality of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and in the Municipality of Gorizia (Italy)" opened, which represents one of the most important interventions within the so-called ECOC District, which will be the main seat of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia.  

The investment includes the renovation of the Transalpina/Trg Evrope Square and part of the so-called Fabiani Trident (Caprin, Foscolo and Luzzato Streets) on the Italian side. The main contractor for the works is the Italian construction company ICI COOP. The total value of the contract for the works is almost EUR 2.9 million (precisely EUR 2,835,259.91, of which EUR 2,191,967.03 is for the renovation of Piazza Transalpina and EUR 643,292.88 for the renovation of Tridente di Fabiani on the Italian side, all amounts include VAT).  

This is a cross-border investment for which - thanks to the constructive cooperation of the two municipalities, the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Republic of Slovenia - EGTC GO has obtained EU funding under the FVG Regional Operational Programme (ROP ERDF 2021-2027) as a "Europe 27 Programme" and the Slovenian National Operational Programme (OP 2021-2027). The renovation of Piazza Transalpina/ Trg Evrope is recognised as a strategic project in both programming documents. This item provides funding for the design, supervision and other technical services and, of course, for the execution of the works.

For the renovation of Tranaslpina Square/ Trg Evrope and the Trident, €1,416,405.18 are available under the 2021-2027 ERDF ROP and the remaining €1,418,854.73 under the 2021-2027 ERDF NOP (part of these funds are provided by the Municipality of Nova Gorica), while the renovation of the Fabiani Trident will be fully financed by the 2021-2027 ERDF ROP.

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