Europe/Transalpina square and Max Fabiani's Tridente are getting closer to a new look

A call for tenders has been published for the public procurement procedure "Landscaping of the Europe / Transalpina square and Tridente in the Municipality of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and the Municipality of Gorizia (Italy), linked to the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia project".
This is a restricted public procurement procedure (foreseen under Article 72 of the Italian Public Procurement Law No 36/2023), which foresees, in a first phase, the collection of applications (eligibility) for participation and, in a second phase, the submission of tenders for the works (construction).
The investment foresees the renovation of the Europe Square and part of Trizob Max Fabiani Street on the Italian side. The estimated value of the investment is EUR 2,565,074.36 + VAT.
Entities must submit their application via the EGTC GO online procurement platform, the link to which, together with the tender documents and all information, can be found on the EGTC GO website Applications can be submitted on the platform until 1 September 2023 at 12:00.
"The aim is to stick to the timetable and complete the work by 31 December 2024 and be ready for the opening of the European Capital of Culture in 2025," stresses Romina Kocina, Director of EGTC GO. "We are aware of the tight deadline," she adds, "and that is why we have launched the first phase of the public call for tenders for the construction works in parallel with the finalisation of the project documentation, so that we are ready to launch the second phase, the call for tenders, later this year."
Brief description of the investment
The renovation of Europe Square is a project that involves several different steps and procedures, from obtaining financing, to preparing the project documentation, to the procurement of the works for the construction, and the construction itself.
In the spring, a call for tenders for the preparation of the design documentation for the implementation, site management and safety coordination was completed, and an Italian-Slovenian team of experts was selected as the project team, consisting of Ravnikar Potokar Architectural Office d. o.o. (Ljubljana), Edil Inženiring d.o.o. (Nova Gorica), D:RH Architetti Associati (Venice), SA architetti assiciati, (Venice), Sertec Engineering (Loranzè, TO), Detajl Infrastruktura d.o.o. (Vipava), PINSS d.o.o., (Nova Gorica), Erdado d.o.o. (Ajdovščina), Lozej d.o.o. (Ajdovščina).
The project documentation is currently in its final stage and some of the focal points of the new look of Europe Square are already known, which foresees the greening of the square with more than 20 new trees, a water feature and the preservation of the mosaic in the centre of the square.
In addition to the renovation of the square, the overall intervention also foresees a new uniform paving of the so-called Max Fabiani Trizob, consisting of Caprin, Luzzato and Foscolo Streets, as well as the part of Kolodvorska Street between the square and the railway station.
The urban intervention on the Italian side is funded by the regional programme POR FESR 2021-2027 (Urban Agenda), while in Slovenia it is funded by the national programme PON FESR 2021-2027 and by national and municipal funds (Gorizia and Nova Gorica).
One of the important aspects in the realisation of the works is also the acquisition of European funding, which is also managed in parallel by the EGTC GO.
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