The EGTC GO launches two selections for employees to strengthen the administrative and project structure

Applications open until 10 July 2023 for the positions of European Programming Officer and Administrative Accounting Officer
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation EGTC GO, with the aim of consolidating its administrative and project structure, has announced the opening of two selections for employees. The profiles sought are European Programming Officer and Administrative Accounting Officer.
The European Programming Officer, classified in category D, will have the important task of managing European-funded projects. His or her main responsibilities will include analysing and preparing projects, searching for funding and reporting on projects. For this role, candidates should have a university degree and have extensive experience in managing and reporting on European projects.
For the Administrative Accounting Instructor, classified in category C, the focus will mainly be on accounting management. Ideal candidates for this position should have a high school diploma and have previous experience in accountancy.
Both profiles will offer a one-year, renewable contract. Details on the requirements and how to apply can be found on the EGTC GO website, at, in the "Calls for applications" section.
Applications will only be accepted by e-mail until 10 July 2023 (12 noon).
Below are direct links to the notices:
With these two notices, EGTC GO is committed to strengthening its structure in order to fully support the future development of the cities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba. The EGTC plays a crucial role in the management of the SPF Small Project Fund, in the preparation of the European Capital of Culture 2025 and related investments, as well as in the launch of cross-border bike sharing.
EGTC GO Director Romina Kocina: "With the new hires, EGTC GO is reaching its final structure in preparation for the year 2025, when Nova Gorica and Gorica will become the European Capital of Culture. This important step will enable us to successfully manage the projects and development opportunities that lie ahead. We are excited to welcome new talent to our team. These recruitments represent an opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of the area and promote cross-border cooperation."