EGTC GO strategies are now online as part of the JRC Strat-Board webpage

In 2014, the representatives of the EGTC GO, members of the task force for the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme, proposed to combine the tools of the EGTC and the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI), enabling the conversion of strategies into actions that transcended the limitations of administrative borders.
The strategic plan of the EGTC GO was adopted through a joint effort that involved citizens and experts in many fields, such as transportation, energy, healthcare, culture and education, city planning and sport. The strategic plan is based on three pillars:
1. promotion of tourism heritage and cross-border natural resources;
2. share of health services;
3. implementation of the Gorizia-Nova Gorica-Šempeter Vrtojba railway line.
EGTC GO ITI Programming Document is the official ITI strategy of the area that comprises the municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba, with a total financial allocation of EUR 10 million (ERDF contribution – 85% and national co-financing – 15%). The EGTC GO, assigned the role of intermediate authority, is responsible for the implementation of the ITI in the territory of the three municipalities. The strategy is implemented by two projects of a very different nature that cover two out of the three strategic pillars. The first is the 'Isonzo-Soča cross-border nature park' and the second is called 'Building a cross-border healthcare network'.
STRAT-Board is an interactive tool developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and DG REGIO as part of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies. Its purpose is to provide an up-to-date overview of how European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) support integrated approaches to urban and territorial development. Specifically, it focuses on Sustainable Urban Development (SUD), Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI), and Community-led Local Development (CLLD) strategies within the scope of Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020.
STRAT-Board offers a visual representation of these strategies and allows users to explore investment strategies from various perspectives, such as geographical units, spatial focus, thematic concentration, population size, funding arrangements, and implementation mechanisms. It serves as a valuable tool for understanding and analyzing the use of ESIF funds in supporting integrated urban and territorial development in Europe.
Find more information here: STRAT-Board
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