The 18th edition of GUSTI DI FRONTIERA

The 18th edition of GUSTI DI FRONTIERA was presented this afternoon, in the presence of the Mayor of Gorizia Rodolfo Ziberna, the Municipal Councillor for Great Events Arianna Bellan, the Regional Councillor for Productive Activities and Tourism Sergio Bini and our Director of EGTC GO Romina Kocina.
Gusti di Frontiera confirms itself as a true world map of tastes and flavours scheduled from THURSDAY 21 to SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER in GORIZIA.
Dishes and products from all over the world with 341 STANDS representing more than 30 COUNTRIES from the five continents distributed in 14 VILLAGES between streets and squares - with a place of honour reserved for LOCAL EXCELLENCE: "We intend to make the most of the presence of stands proposing local and regional excellence in view of 2025, when we will be the European Capital of Culture together with Nova Gorica. The great success that these proposals enjoyed during the last edition confirms that this is the right path," notes Mayor Rodolfo Ziberna, and Councillor Bellan is of the same opinion in emphasising the attention paid to the area's peculiarities, "particularly relevant in view of 2025, when Gorizia will become an international showcase, as well as a privileged observatory on the cultural ferments of an important portion of Europe."
New for the 2023 edition is the TASTE PARK, which will host a rich programme of meetings and show cooking organised by Slow Food Gorizia, which will be present with several of its Presidia in the area.
The Onav (National Organisation of Wine Tasters), the Ezts GO Gect, the municipalities of Nova Gorica, San Peter and Vertojba,, and the Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia will be present in the Park. The programme of meetings and show cooking, curated by Lucio Vittor, as well as the programme of concerts that will take place in the Town Hall Park (curated by M° Magnarin) will be announced in detail in the coming days.
There will be numerous free openings of cultural venues and exhibitions during the event.
New information soon on the official website
The Gusti di Frontiera event is organised by the Municipality of Gorizia (Comune di Gorizia - News) with the fundamental contribution of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with GO 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia, the sponsorship of Banca360FVG and Cassa Rurale FVG - Credito Cooperativo Italiano - PRS Eventi and Tiare Shopping, as well as the collaboration of APT Gorizia and Trenitalia and the proximity of Cciaa Venezia Giulia (Veneziagiuliaeconomica), Fondazione Carigo and Ascom.
Photo Massmedia.
Foto MassMedia