3rd Territorial Focus on ETC and Mainstreaming - MED Programme. 30-31 Jan 2019.

The EGTC GO Director will be the speaker at the 3rd Territorial Focus on ETC and Mainstreaming within the MED Program to be held in Trieste on 30 and 31 January 2019.
It will be possible to follow the work by videoconference by filling in the appropriate form.
The director of the EGTC GO, Sandra Sodini, will present the ITI (Integrated Territorial Investment) tool as part of the third territorial focus group on European territorial communication and mainstreaming scheduled in Trieste on 30 and 31 January.
The Integrated Territorial Investment is a territorial development tool that allows the implementation of a territorial strategy in an integrated way, drawing on the funds from at least two different priority axes deriving from the same or from different Programs. The main purpose of this tool is to provide a long-term strategy aimed at addressing social and economic challenges for a well-defined geographical area.
The EGTC GO is the actuator, as sole beneficiary, of two Integrated Territorial Investment projects financed by the Italy-Slovenia V-A 2014-2020 Program. The two projects, Isonzo-Soča and Salute- Zdravstvo, have a budget of 10,000,000 Euros. The EGTC GO can act competently on Italian and Slovenian territory to carry out common projects.
The Trieste event is organized by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, in collaboration and with the coordination of ERVET / Emilia Region as National Contact Point and responsible for the Communication Plan of the 2014-2020 Mediterranean transnational program.
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