CB PUMP project presented at the conference "Boosting Cross-Border Regions Through Better Transport!"

The EGTC GO Cross-border Public Urban Mobility Plan CP PUMP intends to identify a sustainable solution to the removal of the administrative and legal obstacles hindering the integration of the urban transport networks operating in the EGTC GO area.
The project was presented at the conference on “Boosting Cross-Border Regions through better Transport!” organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport the 14 November 2019 at the Charlemagne Building in Brussels, Belgium.
Cross-border regions are the laboratories of European Integration. Daily interactions across the border let citizens experience the benefits of the internal market. However, many factors still prevent individuals and organisations to exploit their full-potential in these regions.
This conference comes as a natural follow-up to the study on missing rail links. It aims to share the results of the study to a broad range of stakeholders. It also aims to launch a public debate on the challenges of cross-border public transport services.
The event bringed together organisations associated with provision of transport networks and transport services and organisations engaged in cross-border cooperation.
Event official home page:
EGTC GO Cross-border Public Urban Mobility Plan

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