The new Director of the EGTC GO, dr. Ivan Curzolo, the Assistant Director, dr. Tomaž Konrad and the auditors have been appointed

On the 11th of February, the EGTS GO ’s Assembly appointed the new Director, dr. Ivan Curzolo, who succeeds Dr. Sandra Sodini, to whom those present expressed their thanks for all the work done. Dr Curzolo, who can boast more than twenty years of experience in the management of European programs and projects, illustrated to the Assembly the key points of the new European programming period 2021-2027: “I thank the members of the Assembly and the three Mayors not only for the trust placed in me, but also for recognizing the high value of the collaboration between Informest and the EGTC GO, thus demonstrating the territory's ability to team up. It is an honour for me to play the role of Director of a young and dynamic body - like its staff - which, in addition to having shown an excellent vision and management skills on the field, embodies and promotes the values of the most genuine cooperation between institutions and people of different languages and identities. The challenge is to continue on this path by carrying on with meeting the expectations of the administrators and the needs of citizenship, aware that the game of the 2021-2027 programming is still open to be played and the competition on the funds will be very strong. We will do our best. "
The Assembly also appointed dr. Tomaž Konrad as Assistant Director with authorisations for ITI projects, as the next two years 2020-2021 will be crucial for the implementation of the projects financed by the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia program. He says: "I am delighted to be directly involved in the activities of the EGTC GO, which I believe is of strategic importance for our territory and which has already proven its value with an innovative and effective implementation of cross-border and European projects. The EGTC GO already has an excellent team, good references and well-developed strategic partnerships. I am convinced that with this reinforcement of staff we will be able to both successfully complete the projects currently managed and to identify, in collaboration with the permanent committees and with civil society, the common objectives for the next European programming period. I thank the Assembly and the Mayors for the trust placed in me."
Finally, the Assembly also renewed the appointment of the members of the Board of Auditors of the EGTC GO: dr. Fabrizio Russo, dr. Vesna Mikuž and dr. Claudio Polverino.