The CB PUMP Project will be presented in Bruxelles

The EGTC GO CB PUMP project will also be presented in Brussels on 31 January along with all the other projects financed by the B-Solutions initiative. The Cross-Border Public Urban Mobility Plan project funds a study on legal and administrative obstacles in the urban public transport sector, proposing solutions for the creation of a cross-border urban public transport system in Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba.
B-Solutions, promoted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy in collaboration with AEBR-European Association of Border Regions, is a pilot initiative that aims to stimulate the creation of concrete and replicable solutions on a continental scale with the aim of removing major legal and administrative obstacles which limit integration along the internal borders of the Union.
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Project CB PUMP
WHO? The Municipalities of Gorizia (IT), Nova Gorica (SI) and Šempeter-Vrtojba (SI), contiguous to each other on the Italian-Slovenian border, cover an area of 46,7 kmq and altogether they include a population of approximately 75.000 inhabitants. ...
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