Start of the aquatic courses for pregnant women

On Thursday the 16th of January, at 4 pm, the aquatic courses for pregnant women began. These will take place at the swimming pool of the San Giovanni di Dio hospital in Gorizia, in via Fatebenefratelli 34.
The bilingual course is held in a quiet environment with heated water and background music and is addressed to women from Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba. The exercises carried out in the pool have the function of relaxation, but also of learning respiratory control, cardio-circulatory training and muscle toning and / or cooling down. The midwife has a guiding and supporting role: answers questions, listens, gives information and stimulates trust in pregnant women, making them aware of the resources they have to cope with pregnancy, labor and childbirth.
The course starts after the 21st week of pregnancy and involves groups of up to 10 women.
The courses are carried out within the Salute-Zdravstvo Project, implemented by the EGTC GO and funded by the Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenija 2014-2020 Program.