The connection between Gorizia and Nova Gorica / Šempeter-Vrtojba is one of the 15 top European missing rail links

The Transport Committee of the European Parliament carried out a study with regard to regional rail connections, which shows that in the EU there are still significant rail connections missing at 27 borders.
The purpose of the project is to identify the missing rail links and / or regional cross-border problem outside the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
The results are usable in the form of an interactive map:
Missing Rail Links Site
Michael Cramer, President of the Transport Commission of the European Parliament
The EGCC GO, already approved a pilot action called REVITALISE THE "RAILWAY JUNCTION GORIZIA - NOVA GORICA - ŠEMPETER-VRTOJBA inserted in the summary of the objectives, actions and project proposals for community planning and drafting of the strategic plan, approved by the Assembly on November 11, 2013.
Related projects:
EGTC GO Strategic Plan
Project ADRIA
TIP project
Metropolitan region and cross-border pressure on EU
Il Piccolo, 10 November 2015
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