11:15 - 13:00
10B02 - EGTC: approaching smart solutions?
Organisers: Veneto Region
Venue: Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, Room 53
Speakers and chair(s): Dr. Sodini Sandra , Mr. Vande Meulebroucke Stef , Mr. Guillermo Martin (Chair), Mr. Ciambetti Roberto , Mr. Lirón Lago
Juan José
Can existing experiences in Europe confirm that the EGTC is not just a new level in multilevel-governance, but also a genuinely
useful operative tool for dealing with cross-border problems?
Four EGTCs will present some examples of networking across borders differentiating between regional and urban perspectives.
Furthermore, the trans-regional point of view will also be discussed.
The first session will focus on an exchange of experiences between EGTCs.
In the second session, participants will discuss the key areas where territorial cooperation could be more effective and where
cooperation is more critical.
In conclusion Ms. Debora Serracchiani, President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Mr. Herwig Seiser, Klubobmann -
Carinthia Region will briefly take the floor.
This workshop is followed by a networking session.
Target audience:
- EU national, regional and local policy/decision makers
- Authorities managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes and projects
- Other stakeholders: private companies, financial institutions, European and national associations
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