We are looking for our next IVY

The IVY volunteer will support the Interreg project “Small projects fund GO! 2025", under the Interreg Programme "Italy - Slovenia".
Whai is an IVY voluntter programme?
The “Interreg Volunteer Youth” (IVY) initiative represents a unique opportunity for young people who want to have an impact on the world we live in, by supporting solidarity actions through cooperation.
Along with local actors, IVY volunteers tackle the challenges that Europe and its neighbouring regions are facing, helping to find and implement common solutions.
The objective of the Interreg project "SPF GO! 2025" is to support the initiatives promoted within the framework of the European Capital of Culture Nova Gorica-Gorizia 2025.
The volunteer will be carrying out the following activities activities:
- Communication and sensibilisation of younger people about the goals of the Interreg SPF GO! 2025 projects;
- Creation of content for social media and EGTC GO website;
- Publishing on social media aiming to include younger public;
- Communication of different project activities and sharing their news on different online channels;
- Organising communication information;
- Email communication with project partners and retrieving and organising information about events and activities.
Other usefull information:
Financial support of: 32 euros per day (week-end and holidays included).
Location: Gorizia, Italy.
Start and duration: from Mid-April, for 6 months.
Languages*: Slovenian (C2), Italian (C1), English (C1).
Apply here and join our cross border team: APPLY
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