For the beauty of the earth - John Rutter at GO! 2025

Hundreds of choir singers will gather in Piazza Vittoria in Gorizia at sunset on Saturday 8 June to meet a true world icon of choral music, in an event that promises to be of great emotional impact. John Rutter, the celebrated English composer, will be in Gorizia to conduct many choir singers, with a large number of young people and children, from many choirs from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and from Slovenia, and three orchestras. His music, known and sung all over the world by millions of choirs, narrates the beauty of the world, conveys messages of peace, respect for the environment and nature, brotherhood and the values of friendship and sharing. A message that will resound high in the skies of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, a song of joy for GO! 2025.
The choir will be made up of singers from Coro giovanile Audite Juvenes, Corale Renato Portelli, Mladinski zbor Emil Komel, Vokalna skupina Konfluens, Dekliška vokalna skupina Danica, Coro Croma col punto, Coro giovanile della Fondazione Luigi Bon, Ženski zbor Briške trcinke, Nuovo AuriCorale VivaVoce, Associazione Corale Vox Nova, Corale Maniaghese, Mešani mladinski zbor Emil Komel, Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Pueri e Juvenes Cantores del Duomo di Udine, Mešani pevski zbor Jacobus Gallus, Mešani mladinski zbor Srečko Kosovel, Coro VocinVolo, Coro femminile Multifariam, Coro dell’Università di Trieste, Coro del liceo musicale Carducci Dante di Trieste, Coro di Castions delle Mura, Ljubljanski Madrigalisti from Ljubljana, Coro Giovanile Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Coro Arrigo Tavagnacco and Mešani mladinski zbor Šempeter-Vrtojba.
In the event of adverse weather conditions the concert will take place in Gorizia's Teatro Verdi.
Additional information is available at this link.