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Piazza Transalpina/Trg Evrope
go explore

On 8 February 2024, exactly one year after the opening of the European Capital of Culture, let's discover together the beauty of both Gorizia and Gorizia. A cross-border bus will be organised, with guided tours in both languages of the conurbation.

The ECOC bus, GO! Explore, is free of charge.

The tour will start and end in Europe Square, the epicentre of the European Capital of Culture 2025.


10.00-12.00 slo/ita
14.30-16.30 slo/ita


Tourist Information Centre (TIC) Nova Gorica - Kidričeva ulica 11,

Tel: +386 5 330 46 00





Infopoint PromoTurismo FVG a Gorizia -Corso Italia 9,

tel. +39 0481 535764




10.00 - 10.10 - Trg Evrope - Piazza Transalpina

10.15 - Start towards Travnik/ Piazza Vittoria

10.22 - 10.27 - STOP ON THE BUS: Travnik - Piazza Vittoria

10.30 - Municipio

10.40 - 10.43 - STOP ON THE BUS: Coronini Cronberg Palace Park - il Parco Coronini Cronberg

10.46 - 11.05 - STOP: Gorizia Castle (Leopold Gate) - Borgo Castello (Porta Leopoldina)

11.07 - Departure via the border crossing Rožna dolina past the Jewish cemetery to the Primula Restaurant

partenza per valico di Casa Rossa verso Ristorante Primula

11.20- 11.23 PHOTO STOP Solkan Bridge / Ponte di Solkan

11.35 - 11.45 - STOP: centre of Nova Gorica, Eda centre, Rusjan's Monument, Bevkov trg / centro Citta di Nova Gorica (Eda Center, Monumento a Rusjan, Bevkov trg, municipio)

11.55 - 12.10 - STOP:: Franciscan Monastery Kostanjevica / Convento Francescano Kostanjevica

12.10 - departure towards  Trg Evrope -  Piazza Transalpina

12.15 - Arrival at Trg Evrope / arrivo in Piazza Transalpina



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