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The poetry of dialects and the landscape of images

The PODIPO project aims to enhance and strengthen the culture of multilingualism with the active participation of children, youth and the elderly. The aim is to raise awareness and promote the cultural heritage of dialects and local languages that are interwoven in the border area by preserving dialect expressions, bringing them closer to the younger generation and the general public. The first phase of the project will involve about 8 workshops involving children, young people as well as elderly people in nursing homes. The workshops will address the issues of multilingualism, preservation and transmission of cultural heritage to new generations, poetry, its authors and geographical diversity of the program area, through an artistic-cultural approach. In the second phase of the project, the results of the workshops will be presented within an interactive book during two major public cultural events.

LEAD PARTNER: Otok, zavod za razvoj družbe in kulture



Metelkova 6

1000 Ljubljana


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