Inauguration of the exhibition The Bohinj / Transalpina Railway: “A Track for Three Nations” along the Soča / Isonzo River

Yesterday, December 18th, the exhibition Transalpina Railway, a track for three nations along the Isonzo-Soča river was inaugurated at the Nova Gorica railway station. The exhibition, a tangible result of cross-border cooperation, stems from the desire to concretely present the Transalpine Railway, its role in the past and today, in the hope of its future enhancement. Its curators are subjects and institutions on both sides of the border. The exhibition consists of 15 panels that accompany us in the history of the Transalpina railway.
The exhibition was organized by the Kulturni dom Nova Gorica and the GECT GO in collaboration with the KIT cultural information point.
Curated by Matjaž Marušič and Alessandro Puhali, it has been financially supported by the EGTC GO / EZTS GO and the Kulturni dom Nova Gorica.
The permanent exhibition is co-financed under the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 program, by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds under the European project "Isonzo-Soča cross-border park".
RAI 3 - Ob Soči po tiru treh narodov