Symbolical start of construction works for the European project Isonzo-Soča

Cutting the fence that separates via degli Scogli (Gorizia) from Pot na Breg (Sokan) on the 13th of February rappresented the symbolical start of construction works for pedestrian and cycle paths planned in the European project Isonzo-Soča, which is financed under the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 program.
The cut allows the inhabitants to immediately access the green path in the cross-border area, crossed by the Soča River in some parts. The construction works for the cycle path relating to this section will commence before the end of the year. The first out of four project lots that will be carried out are the infrastructure works for the recreational area in Vrtojba. As a subject of Italian law, EGTC GO published a call for tender for these works in the Slovenian Official Gazette and it is currently in the process of being awarded.
In the photo the mayor of Gorizia, Rodolfo Ziberna, the mayor of Nova Gorica, Klemen Miklavič, and the mayor of Šempeter- Vrtojba Milan Turk.