Urbanpromo: EZTS GO gost na La Triennale di Milano (11.-14.11.2014)

Inovativni projekti za urbano regeneracijo.
Izkušnje revitalizacije in usmeritve proti letu 2020
PETEK, 14. novembra
od 9.30 do 13.30
The work (carried out by the Department of Planning and Urban Design Confcommercio – Companies for Italy) was wanted by Confcommercio of Gorizia to curb "commercial desertification" is featuring Gorizia and, in particular, the Old Town.
The analysis started from the heart of the city and is extended to the whole province, going to measure levels of business service for each municipality in the province.
The solutions to be put in the pipeline, however, could not be considered regardless of the particular geopolitical and spatial situation characterizing the neighboring city of Slovenia Gorizia and Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba: a whole in terms of urban, taking into account character and different regulatory bodies, forced us to shape analysis and unitary proposals without stopping to look at things and the problems at the edge of a border now "apparent" .
The design process is shared by the city of Gorizia, used the method of comparison with the stakeholders of the cross-border area through the involvement of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (GECT-GO), which includes representatives of the three Municipalities.
With the scientific or disciplinary analysis joined the activity of "listening and participation" that led us to be a "laboratory of participatory planning", composed of citizens and economic operators: a veritable melting pot of ideas and proposals outlining innovative processes aimed at enhancing the urban and territorial reality and to start reflections about urban renewal and economic revitalization.
The main point of this work is represented by the reading of economic activities and services deployed on the territory of three municipalities. A hinge that has been shared and that allowed us to see that the set of economic activities in the three cities is not a set of disjointed and scattered points of sale, but real joint planning and whose meaning and value lies not only in function economic, but also in urban and social role that is played by them.
The "commercial urban systems", recognized in the Italian-Slovenian territory, were 23 and represent real urban entity.
These, regarding 18 Gorizia systems, we have made them enter the technical standards for the implementation of the strategic plan, building the conditions that they may also be useful in planning, adopting and implementing Urban traffic plans, in the definition of the three-year Program of public works and also in the lines of action that will lead to the use of the resources of European Programming 2014-2020. It was significant for Gorizia, the analysis of the relationship between the so-called "commercial urban systems" and the commercial value shadows provided by NTA of PRG.
It came to give life, ultimately, to a new cross-analysis which made it possible to draft a proposal for a PRG variation ables to give body to actions that can improve the livability and urban revitalization of economic activities.
The strategy that underlies the choices was to give life to a sort of embryo from which they can deploy proposals for urban regeneration and integrated policies that encroach upon not only the municipal areas but also national ones.
The role of the University IUAV of Venice is important, and in particular the Department of design and planning in complex environments, which oversaw a design Workshop on parallel themes of architecture and urban planning. Students in the Bachelor of Science Degree in architecture and innovation were asked to provide design answers to places under study, in synergy with the analysis of the urban and commercial impacts of the italo-Slovenian territory that we created.
In this laboratory is highlighted as the General conditions of the current urban systems are places having primarily problems of settlement, reorganization of functional reorganization, transformation or recovery of housing and industrial areas incomplete, outdated or abandoned.
Over the time of expansion and urban and territorial growth, in fact, what you may see now, and for a long time, is a work on the existing both inside and outside the city. The aim is to give these places a completeness, functional and socio-economic complexity that cannot be a new idea of the shape the same places as we have known and practiced in recent decades.
This has involved a reflection on the nature and techniques of Government of the city and of the territory which share the same way that these places have this historical moment and the role that the various functional components and/or the various parties take place in the near future. The aim is to anchor the action within these places to the understanding of their "enlarged" nature, for an idea of the single place that is separate from the more general idea of cities and networks of cities or urban systems related to them. Research presented by IUAV intends, on the one hand, to deepen the analysis of certain aspects of the current urban condition in order to implement a specific knowledge of the places in the sense "expanded" and on the other hand, develop and test new methodologies of intervention applying first to a specific city of triveneto area: the city of Gorizia; at a later stage to the centers and to the territory of those areas in Europe where the IUAV proposes to implement a partnership in this area of research.
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Programsko obdobje 2014-2020 dodeljuje EZTS-ju osrednjo vlogo tako z vidika strateškega razvoja kot tudi z vidika izvajanja programov in pridobivanja sredstev. Eden od ciljev EZTS-ja je zagotoviti pravno orodje za ...
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Strateški načrti
Programsko obdobje 2014-2020 dodeljuje EZTS-ju osrednjo vlogo tako z vidika strateškega razvoja kot tudi z vidika izvajanja programov in pridobivanja sredstev. Eden od ciljev EZTS-ja je zagotoviti pravno orodje za ...
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