European Meeting of Cross-border Cities

Closed-door meeting of more than 45 institutional representatives including ambassadors, consuls, ministers, mayors, Gect directors and delegates
The Mitteleuropa association, which has been promoting cultural, economic and social dialogue between Central European countries for 50 years, is organising an event that is of particular relevance for the EGTC GO in the run-up to the year of the European Capital of Culture Nova Gorica - Gorizia 2025. The European Meeting of Cross-border Cities, which will take place between Gorizia and Nova Gorica, will see twelve nations represented and the presence of more than 45 institutional representatives, including ambassadors, consuls, ministers, mayors, EGTC directors and delegates. In addition to Italy, there will be Slovenia, Austria, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The meeting is the result of the work and deep-rooted cross-border relations of the Mitteleuropa Association and its president Paolo Petiziol, who launched the idea and kept his promise to create an international meeting for cross-border cities.
The aim is to bring cities together and ask what their problems, needs and good practices are in order to bring them to the European table so that they can plan their common destiny together and discuss objectives, concrete projects and the Union's economic funds. This is a totally new international initiative that places Friuli Venezia Giulia in an even more strategic position on the chessboard of international relations.
As part of the conference, the EGTC GO is organising a discussion on the future of cooperation linked to the Interreg instruments and the most suitable projects for cross-border cities. The meeting will also discuss barriers and obstacles to cooperation and there will also be a focus on GO! 2025 projects.