EUSALP Convention “HOW CAN WE GOVERN WELL? The contribution of young local politicians to the alpine macroregional strategy”. Como, 21-22/9/2019

The Lombardy region, representing the 2019 Italian EUSALP presidency, is pleased to invite you to the convention “HOW CAN WE GOVERN WELL? The contribution of young local politicians to the alpine macroregional strategy”, being held on 21 and 22 September 2019 in Como (Italy). The convention (in English and Italian) will host councillors and political representatives of local governments in the EUSALP area. Other stakeholders with interest in the EUSALP area will also be invited to participate.
The Convention of young EUSALP local politicians aims at establishing an interaction among political representatives in groupwork sessions, focusing on the analysis and identification of concrete actions. In the groupwork, participants will be urged with state-of-the-art analysis of the Alpine area, confronted with best practices form ETC cooperation and then challenged to design concrete solutions for the macro-regional area.
The groupwork will be organised in sub-themes that are strictly related to the EUSALP strategy and to the programme of the Italian Presidency. A non-exhaustive list of the themes that will be treated in the event includes:
- Green economy in the EUSALP area: developing circular economy, bioeconomy, sustainable agriculture, etc
- Contrasting depopulation in the alpine territories
- Sustainable mobility: multi-modality mobility (integration of different transport system), dematerialised connectivity (ICT solutions);
- Green sustainable procurement: how can a Public Administration acquire ‘green’ services;
- Combat climate change through reduction of CO2 emissions: renovation of buildings, use of renewable energies;
- Adaptation to climate change and prevention of risks (heat, drought, floods, fire, hydrogeological risks)
- Green Public local services
A team of experts will facilitate the discussion and help ‘extract’ and rationalise the outcomes of the groupwork.
The objective is to stimulate the comparison between young local political administrators on the key issues of the Italian Presidency (green economy and competitiveness), the signing of the young administrators' paper, in collaboration with ANCI and the corresponding organizations in the other EUSALP countries.
The registration is free.
To register visit
The deadline for registrations is 5.00pm, Monday 16t September 2019
The Lombardy Region will cover the accommodation costs through a booking at the Hotel Cruise, Via Giosuè Carducci, 3, 22070 Montano Lucino CO, and will guarantee all transfers to / from the location of the Convention.
To see the Agenda, and to have some additional info pleasecheck the following webpage: