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The Soča River from source to sea - a guide for kayakers

For those practicing kayaking, the Soča River was considered only for short practicable stretches. The Soča Kayak Guide project offers a comprehensive guide for kayakers along the entire course of the Soča River, from the heart of the Julian Alps to the Adriatic. The goal is to shift the focus from frequented to less explored stretches, promoting sustainable management and cross-border connectivity. Initially, locations identified for kayaking will be inspected with a camera crew for map planning. The result of the mapping will be published in the guide book "The Soča River from Source to Sea-a guide for kayakers" promoted through three events in Slovenia and three events in Italy. The guidebook involves kayakers from both sides of the border, offering a firsthand experience of the surrounding nature and stimulating the discovery of cultural and gastronomic attractions along the way. The project is based on a successful concept already implemented on the Sava, aiming to foster a deeper connection with the river and support its collaborative and sustainable management.


LEAD PARTNER: Zavod Leeway Collective


Zgornja Lipica 24a

4246 Kamna Gorica


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