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Realtà aumentate.

The project "Realtà Aumentate" promotes cross-border tourism between Nova Gorica and Gorica through six bilingual theatrical/multimedia performances on historical events in the Gorica area between the 18th and 21st centuries. The theatrical performances will be broadcast through multi-channel wi-fi headphones, which allow the audience to enjoy the narratives and receive directions collectively as they move along the streets, interacting and performing actions in the public space. Replications are planned in 2025, as well as trainings to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities.

LEAD PARTNER: 47/04 - Associazione Quarantasettezeroquattro

PROJECT PARTNER:  Goriški muzej - Goriški muzej Kromberk – Nova Gorica


+39 338 1411435

Corso Italia 182

34170 Gorizia (GO)



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