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The GOGO TOUR project aims to develop and promote a new educational model related to tourism, through two distinct routes: the ‘walk tour challenge’ and the ‘bike tour challenge’. The tours will be led by a bilingual pair of students from the project partner primary schools. The two student-guides, under the supervision of a tourism expert, will accompany a group of Italian and Slovenian primary school students, who will face different challenges as they explore the city and cross the ‘border’, both during the stops and during the trip. Both routes include two types of challenges: a linguistic one, in which participants must learn one word in Italian and one in Slovenian before arriving at the next stop, and a riddle, which encourages discovery, exploration, puzzle solving and research at each stop. The challenges will take place at various locations between the cities of Nova Gorica and Gorizia.

LEAD PARTNER: Osnovna šola Frana Erjavca Nova Gorica

PROJECT PARTNER: Istituto Comprensivo con lingua d'insegnamento slovena di Gorizia


+386 (0) 5 3359 050

Kidričeva ulica 36

5000 Nova Gorica


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