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GO! Pasta

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 Building cross-cultural and economic bridges through stuffed pasta

GO! Pasta addresses the challenges of the gastronomic heritage of Upper Friuli and the Goriška region, focusing on traditional filled pasta such as cjarsons, Idrijski žlikrofi, Bovški krafi and Kobariški štruklji. The project promotes exchange between local communities, raises the visibility of filled pasta and encourages international cooperation. Through activities such as mapping, events and a mobile food trailer, GO! Pasta connects the two regions, involving producers, restaurateurs, cooking schools, public authorities and consumers. The project aims to generate new recognisable dishes for GO! 2025, contributing to the borderless and multicultural journey of the ECoC.

LEAD PARTNER: Comunità di montagna della Carnia

PROJECT PARTNER: Zavod Id20, zavod za inovacije v dediščini


+39 0433 487711

Via Carnia Libera 1944, 15

33028 Tolmezzo (UD)


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