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Go Green Cinema

The Go Green Cinema (GGC) project aims to promote the accessibility of quality cinema in the cross-border area in a sustainable way. It envisages the creation of a network of 18 cultural venues equipped with modern mobile digital cinema projection equipment to enhance culture and sustainable tourism. It also includes cultural training programmes for technical staff and tourism operators. The programme aims to spread film culture throughout the cross-border territory, even in the most remote locations, where there is a lack of infrastructure for quality screenings, and targets local residents and tourists. The construction of green cinemas will be monitored with the help of external experts, and a publicly accessible handbook will be developed through the project, which will also help CEC actors in the transition towards sustainability. The aim is to raise the awareness of visitors and operators about the role of cultural heritage in order for them to act responsibly and sustainably by improving the quality of life and the culture of living.


PROJECT PARTNER: MOTOVILA, Center za spodbujanje sodelovanja v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih


Piazza della Vittoria, 38

34170 Gorizia (GO)


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