Workshop: elderly and disabilities
On May 29, the EGTC GO, in collaboration with the municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba, organized, as part of the Salute-Zdravstvo project, a workshop on the theme of the elderly and disabilities, to involve third sector organizations dealing with the weaker sections of the population. During the workshop, which had as main objective the creation of a cross-border network of operators active in the social sector, some collaboration proposals emerged. For example Unitri - Univerza za tretje življensko obdobje, Nova Gorica (University of the third age of Nova Gorica) and the University of the third age in Gorizia have proposed the joint organization of various training courses (for example linguistics). Go-spominčica, regijsko društvo za pomoč pri demenci za Severnoprimorsko regijo (Regional Association for Support in Dementia) and Centro Alzheimer mitteleuropea have instead proposed joint cross-border events to promote socialization.
The Salute-Zdravstvo project is funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 program.
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