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Borderless Wireless

Goals and new challenges for the EGTC GO, the lead partner of ‘Borderless Wireless’ digital project of the European Capital.

The Borderless Wireless project, part of the official GO! 2025 program, was created with the aim of establishing a digital access point to the European Capital of Culture. Over the past year, the platform has reached important milestones: is the digital ecosystem launched in December 2023 by EGCTC GO – the project leader – and it is the official portal for all initiatives of the European Capital of Culture. The portal boasts, in addition to a rich calendar of events, all the tourist-related information available in three languages: Italian, Slovenian, and English.

The goal is to provide an easy-to-use reference point for tourists and residents, one that can best showcase the cross-border area and its event program without distinctions between Italy and Slovenia, the so-called "Borderless Area."

A challenging project, it was realized thanks to a participatory design process that involved key stakeholders – the so-called First Level Stakeholders – who contributed to gathering and adding to the platform over 2,570 accommodation facilities, nearly 200 restaurants and catering establishments, and over 460 cultural points of interest and available experiences. Additionally, the project included support for the installation of more than 30 webcams throughout the area. Furthermore, over 560 news articles and 1,420 events have been published from January 2024 to February 2025.

The key players in this successful participatory design process are: Promoturismo FVG, Javni zavod za turizem Nova Gorica in Vipavska dolina, Fondazione Carigo, Confcommercio, Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju, Javni Zavod Miren Kras, Območna Razvojna Agencija Krasa in Brkinov, Zavod za turizem, kulturo, mladino in šport Brda, Zavod za turizem Idrija, Fondazione Aquileia, Soča Valley Tourist Board, Camera di Commercio Venezia Giulia Trieste Gorizia, Direzione Cultura e Sport della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Direzione centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione e famiglia, DMO Turismo Benečija, Goriški muzej Kromberk / Nova Gorica, Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg, Grado Impianti Turistici.

"After the success of the inauguration on February 8th, the tourist season is about to get underway, and interest is very high. Every day we are recording nearly 20,000 visits to the website, while on the opening day alone we had over 103,000 views, primarily from Italy and Slovenia, but also in large numbers from Austria, Germany, Croatia, France, and the United States," said Romina Kocina, Director of EGTC GO. "The tools we have developed are available for free, and we invite everyone who lives or works in the entire borderless area to use them. Our hope is to welcome visitors in the best way possible," added Director Kocina.

Additional tools designed for an immersive experience in the cross-border area have been added to the platform, ranging from the planning phase of the visit to the actual experience. These include the web app ( and other free promotional tools aimed at accommodation facilities, museums, institutions, or commercial spaces that can, with a simple connection, inform their audience in real-time about the day’s events, points of interest, and weather updates.

“We are thrilled with the participation of various local entities, who, using the forms available in the Join Us section of the platform, can propose their events or request the logo with just two simple steps," commented project manager Giulio Selvazzo. "Just in the past month, we have nearly reached 600,000 visits, many of them from abroad, confirming the interest in the Capital’s program and the entire represented area, reaffirming its potential as a cross-border tourist destination."

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