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A look at the new Transalpina/Europe Square


The heart of the European Capital of Culture, Europe/ Transalpina Square, the emblematic place of cross-border life and joint candidacy, is ready for a new historic event for the conurbation, the inauguration of GO! 2025.

At today's press conference, the European Grouping for Territorial Co-operation (EGTC GO) unveiled the new look of the square, in the presence of high-level institutional guests, representatives of the institutions that financed the renovation. The President of the EGTC GO, Paolo Petiziolo, was joined at the common square by Aleksander Jevšek, Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development of the Republic of Slovenia, Barbara Zilli, Finance Councillor of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Mojca Kavčič, Director of the European Funds Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, as well as by the Mayor of the Municipality of Nova Gorica, Samo Turel, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Gorizia, Rodolfo Ziberna. The technical side of the project was presented by the Deputy Director of EGTC GO, Tomaž Konrad, and the Project Manager of EGTC GO, Matej Klanjscek.

The cross-border construction of the Europe/ Transalpina Square and Max Fabiani's Trident, coordinated by EGTC GO, is one of the most important investments along the so-called ECOC district, which will be the central venue of the European Capital of Culture GO!2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia.

It is a cross-border investment for which, thanks to the constructive cooperation between Slovenian and Italian institutions, the EGTC GO has obtained European funding under the FJK Regional Programme (OP FESR FVG 2021-2027) - Europe 27 Programme and the Slovenian National Programme of the European Cohesion Policy (P ENPI 2021-2027) for the financial period 2021-2027. The project for the renovation of the Europe Square/Piazza Transalpina is identified as a strategic project in both programming documents.

The €4.2 million project (€4,216,069.52 to be precise, of which €3,316,069.52 for the renovation of the Europe/ Transalpina Square and €900,000.00 for the renovation of the Fabiani Trident on the Italian side) was successfully completed in a fairly short time. Design, approval, procurement and execution of the works: all completed in a year and a half.

Speaking at the press conference, Councillor Barbara Zilli emphasised that "reflecting the experience of these lands - with its old station, the signs left by history, its streets and spaces - Piazza Transalpina has become that something extra that pushes Gorizia and Nova Gorica to be a new reality that speaks a unique, universal language, that of the Capital of Culture. From this symbolic place, which has become even more beautiful and exciting thanks to the renovation work carried out, a message without borders starts today - and officially on 8 February - conveyed by different peoples and nations united by the desire to get to know, discover and experience this very special and fascinating piece of Europe. What the many young people who are about to arrive will see here in Gorizia and Nova Gorica will be a community in continuous evolution, which wants to show and tell that the wounds of history can heal by giving new impetus and new perspectives 

Congratulating the EGTC GO and the municipalities for the fast and successful implementation of the works, Minister Aleksander Jevšek stressed that "the project for the renovation of Europe Square and part of the streets of Maks Fabiani's Trizob Trizob is not only one of the cohesion projects; it is the first project in the history of the EU where two countries and two cities have contributed funds from the Integrated Territorial Investments - a mechanism of the European Cohesion Policy, which is dedicated to urban development. The Europe Square is also not just one of many squares in Europe, it is a shared urban space between the two Gorizia, strengthening the link between them and between the two countries, Slovenia and Italy. It is a symbol of the European spirit and one of the central spaces of the cross-border European Capital of Culture (ECOC GO! 2025). It is therefore no coincidence that the renovation of Europe Square is a project of strategic importance in the Slovenian European Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 and in the Regional Programme of Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021-2027. For European Cohesion Policy is not just about money, it is about cooperation and integration".  

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning said that ‘they approached the co-financing of the cross-border project of strategic importance ’ECOC GO!2025 - Revitalisation of Europe Square" with enthusiasm and zeal, both in the phase of the application approval and in all subsequent phases of the project implementation, with the aim of realising the disbursement of the allocated grant as soon as possible. In 2025, we expect the successful implementation of the disbursement of grants totalling EUR 8 million, which are earmarked for the co-financing of 3 projects of strategic importance for the ECOC GO! 2025 in the framework of the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment Mechanism under Policy Objective 5 (Europe Closer to Citizens). In addition to the project ‘Revitalisation of the Europe Square’, we will also co-finance the “EPIC” project and the ‘SUPER 8".

Design officially began on June 2, 2023, with the development of the final design, followed by the executive design. At the beginning of October 2023, all agencies involved gave a favorable opinion. The entities consulted included the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of FVG, the municipalities involved, TPL FVG - local public transport, the water supply agencies, the joint Italian-Slovenian Commission for the maintenance of the state border, and the Police. Immediately afterwards, the tender, with European evidence, was launched for the award of works, which was awarded in December 2024 by the company ICI Coop. From November 2023 to January 2024, war clearance was conducted on the Italian side of the square, an operation that did not result in the discovery of any war devices. In parallel, a prior verification of archaeological interest was conducted. Between January and February 2024, Irisacqua carried out the replacement of the aging asbestos-cement water pipes on the Transalpine Square and Fabiani Trident (Caprin, Foscolo, and Luzzato streets).

Work on the Italian area began on February 12, 2024, while the Slovenian part had to wait, in order to ensure the transit of heavy vehicles destined for the Slovenian Railways construction site, bordering that of the square. Between March and April 2024, while the work continued in Italy, the Slovenian companies completed the burying of new sewers for black and white water, aqueduct, laid a new telecommunications cable, and made connections. 

The complete handover of the areas to the contractor took place on April 22, 2024, marking the beginning of the final phase of the project. With the coexistence of two major construction sites and the continuous coordination of activities between the parties, by January 2025 the main works were completed, only some detail work is still ongoing, such as the landscaping of the green areas, testifying to the speed and efficiency with which the project was managed.

Europe/Transalpina Square now presents itself as a renovated urban space designed to welcome citizens and visitors in a pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly environment. With green areas, shaded benches, and welcoming venues, the square serves as a place for socialization, inspiration, culture, and relaxation, in line with the concept of a “15-minute city,” where everything is at your fingertips. This intervention is intended to strengthen the bond between the two cities, which are now even closer and more connected, offering a space that symbolizes unity, history and a shared future.

The success of the project is the result of an extraordinary synergy between the administrations of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, supported by numerous entities and professionals from both nations. Each country bore the costs related to its territory, ensuring a fair distribution of expenses. An emblematic example of this collaboration was the support of the City of Gorica and the Italian Police Force, which facilitated the transit of Slovenian trucks across the border.

The redevelopment was designed to respect the environment and enhance local resources. Special attention was paid to the choice of materials: karst Repen stone, a symbol of the area, was selected for its quality and sustainability. Much of the supply comes from companies located within a 100 km radius, significantly reducing the environmental impact of transportation. Different technical regulations between the two states required careful coordination, which resulted in optimal management of materials and suppliers.

It has not been easy to keep onlookers out of the construction site area: for many tourists, the cross-border square is an essential place to visit. The space is already back to being open to the public. The Feb. 8 opening still includes some restrictions, dictated by the high level of security in the area, after which the square will be fully usable and a new chapter in the history of this place will begin. 

As a reminder, the redevelopment project was funded by:

ERDF Regional Program 2021-2027, Autonomous Region of FVG in the amount of EUR 2,300,000.00

European Union support through the European Fund for Regional Development in the amount of EUR 765,232.21

Slovenian national contribution through the national budget in the amount of € 765,232.21

Funds from the budget of the Municipality of Nova Gorica in the amount of € 385,605.10

Next - again under the coordination of EGTC GO - will also start the redevelopment of the green belt extending from St. Gabriel Street / Erjavčeva ulica towards the square. The project, with a total value of 964,310 thousand euros (with EU funds for the Italian part and funds from the municipality of Nova Gorica for the Slovenian part), includes the resurfacing of the parking lot on Catterini Street and the landscaping of the green area along the border line. The boundary wall will be demolished in certain places to coincide with future crosswalks, while pieces of the old fence will be reinstalled as a memento.

This work, like the entire Transalpine Square redevelopment, is also part of the focus areas of the so-called ECOC district, designed yes to host events and initiatives in 2025, but also as a permanent connecting hinge between the two cities.


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