Workshop on the European capital of culture

On Monday, May 9, 2022, on Europe Day, the activities of the NextGen GO! 2025 project took place.
The project is funded by the European education and culture executive agency within the CERV Call for proposals for town-twinning and networks of towns and is implemented by the EGTC GO - the European grouping for territorial cooperation of the municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba.
As Nova Gorica and Gorizia will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025, the aim of the project is for students from both cities to learn what Europe means, what CEC is and how they can participate in this important event. In this way, they have the opportunity to get to know their "neighbours" in a cross-border and European spirit.
The project includes conferences and workshops about Europe and Nova Gorica-Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025, for 122 high school students from Gorizia and Nova Gorica. The following schools took part in the project: Gimnazija Nova Gorica, Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore "G.D’ANNUNZIO - M.FABIANI" Gorizia, Državni izobraževalni zavod Cankar Vega Zois from Gorizia and Državni izobraževalni zavod Gregorčič Trubar from Gorizia.
The second event, with the title “Workshop on the European Capital of Culture 2025”, was held from 13.30 to 16.15 at the Nova Gorica High School.
In this context, students who participated had the possibility to explore, together with Vesna Humar, what does the European Capital of Culture mean and how this title is actually not a prize but an assignment to make the city we live in a better place. Together they thought about the important interventions to be completed to make the two Gorizias a better place. The ambition is to revitalize the urban space, integrate human resources, learn and get to know each other's culture, heritage and knowledge to promote cultural production without borders, inspired by the fundamental values of European culture. Humar exhibited the interesting Bid-book program, which is sustainable and future-oriented in a way that enhances the peculiarities and riches of the territory to baste the excellence of the European Capital of Culture project.
Inspired by the three pillars of the Bid-Book, GO! Share, GO! Europe and GO! Green, the students then worked in groups to propose their ideas.